Our Collective Worships & Services
At Galmpton Primary our community is based on core Christian values which we communicate through our learning gateways. These values foster a positive learning environment, helping us make decisions about how we behave, create a stronger sense of community and improve our social and relationship skills. They are a guide to how we live our lives, influencing our attitudes and actions, encouraging us all to take responsibility for our own learning and behaviour. Our worships are an important part of our school day and we enjoy coming together to pray, reflect, ponder and share.
We focus on one or two values per half term to help us understand what living that value actually means and to help us to truly love, serve and grow together with Jesus. These values are linked to our 5 gateways. We use the Imaginor roots and fruits resources to shape our worships. Do take a look at our Collective worship plan below and use the home learning sheets (right at the bottom of this page) to reinforce further the work we do each work to develop values and ensure they are lived out in our relationships and all of our learning.
If you would like to come and join us at any of our Services and Eucharists in school or in church do look out for our regular updates on our half-termly newsletters. Everyone is welcome!