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FROGs Easter Raffle

Galmpton Primary School

Dear Parents/Carers

Due to the poor level of ticket sales, FROGs have extended the Easter raffle draw to next Wednesday 31st March, to coincide with the rest of the Easter activities taking place for the children in school.

The PTA have faced a challenging period due to COVID-19 which has severely impacted their income stream. Therefore, we're pleading for your support and hope that as many of you that are able will purchase tickets for the upcoming Easter raffle.

With reduced access to the School Office, we have made this easier for you by making tickets available for purchase via ParentPay (log in to your account > make booking/pay for other items).

Alternatively, you can purchase via bank transfer to the FROGs account:

Sort Code: 09-01-56

Account: 56398086

Payment ref: Child's surname, year group

Tickets cost £1 (you can purchase as many as you like)!

Good luck and Happy Easter!



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