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Please help us support Purple Angels!


Good morning parents and carers,

we're looking forward to our Christingle service this afternoon. If you'd like to join us remotely, please see the link from my message on 30.11.20.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas in school! On Wednesday and Thursday of this week children will have their Christmas dinner. Please ensure you have ordered your child's lunch so we can get preparing!

Children can wear their Christmas jumper in on their Christmas dinner day. This Year we'd like to raise money for Purple Angels - a charity close to our hearts and who we have supported for a couple of Years now. We are a dementia friendly school and although we weren't able to send any MP3 players at our last request we're hoping that we can buy local care homes the players to brighten up Christmas for those suffering from dementia. Therefore, could we ask you to send in a donation in an envelope with your child on their Christmas jumper day. We usually ask for £1 but if you were able to give a little more I know Purple Angels will be thrilled! Just mark your envelope ' Purple Angels'.

The Autumn term does always seem to be a busy one for us charity wise and we really appreciate all you do to help the children to help others! Thank you!



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