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Weekly Message from Mrs Burns


Apologies Parents and Carers, it's been so busy this week in school, I've completely forgotten to post my weekly message!

Hopefully you all received the newsletter yesterday and we've also added more information onto the school news feed. Again, if you sign up to the Newsfeed you'll receive alerts when we post information.

Yesterday we added Summer holiday provision and hopefully this will help out any parents needing child care over the holidays. Torquay United have been really terrific over the last couple of months and Jamie and his team will be running a Sports club for all ages on Tuesdays over the holiday period. This has been sent out. Do respond quickly as TU can only take 20 pupils for each session.

You will have also received a long and detailed letter today outlining the systems and procedures we will have in place for September. I fully appreciate the challenge the arrangements we've made may pose for parents with siblings. Unfortunately there are no easy solutions and I'm aware of schools who have had to stagger siblings coming into school by an hour or more, so we hope you'll understand the reasons for the schedules we've created.

We will review the systems we're intending to implement every two weeks as it's very hard to know how something will work until we actually try it. The success of the staggered start and end times each day will very much depend on parents following the guidance we've given. But you've all managed the changes magnificently so let's hope when we have the whole school back things work as well as they are currently. We're always happy to have feedback and of course as always, answer any questions so do let us know if there are any queries or any advice we can give. Please don't feel afraid to ask, every question is valid and we really are here to help and ensure our children have a successful return to school in September. I'll send my last post of the Year, next week. In the meantime enjoy the better weather and have a good week. Best Wishes, Mrs Burns



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