School Clubs
We also have a wide range of clubs available within the school day in addition to our own Beach room after school club. Most clubs take place after school but some happen before and during the school day.We know that for many of you attending a club can spark a new interest, develop an existing one and provide wider opportunities for you.
We have a number of sports clubs, including multi skills and football available for all year groups. These are run by Torquay United and Brixham FC and take place after school for 3 days of the week.
In addition we run a very popular art club and you can see some of the amazing pieces of art produced if you pop along to the club on Wednesday after school.
Harriet runs our singing/choir club after school as well as taking singing lessons in school. At the end of the Year the group are going to perform at the Princess theatre in front of a large audience. Let Harriet or Mrs Burns know if you're interested in joining!
We also now have 'Rock Steady' who run a rock music club as well as taking individual lessons. Speak to Mrs Smith if this is something you think you might like to join.
Carol and Dave, our lovely gardeners run the KS1 gardening club every week. It's wonderful to see their planting, growing and harvesting of vegetables and of course, our wonderful community garden!
Although Christine no longer runs the Church school arts and crafts clubs, we'll be starting up a new Church craft club in the Summer. See some of the club's work below, and if this is something you'd like to try out or join, let Mrs Hartley know.
Mrs Maker and Miss Staddon run our very popular cookery club. We change the group every half term so that as many children as possible can attend. We use our Food for life 'Cooking in schools' award to decide our recipes and the foods we create. See below for some of our delicious outcomes and let Mrs Maker or Miss Staddon know if this you'd like to develop your culinary skills!
There's also an online reading club for Years 5 and 6 that takes place monthly, so you can even join a club from the comfort of your own home. Our Year 6 leaders also run clubs at lunchtime and they can tell you more about those too!
At school council meetings, we'll review the clubs annually with you and think about any more possibilities that we can have too!