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Welcome to Year 4

Class Teachers: Mrs Nicola Hartley

Learning Assistant: Miss April Staddon

Our Current Learning Enquiry

Welcome to Year 4. On this page you should find links to our curriculum overview for the year, our current learning enquiry question along with other useful information including home learning expectations.



PE will take place on Tuesday afternoons and Friday afternoons led by Torquay United - children can wear their School PE kit to school on these days. Please see the school uniform policy for PE kit expectations. 


Home learning

Children in Year 4 will be set weekly home learning in a home learning book.  This will be sent home on a Friday and a copy of the home learning will be posted onto Classdojo if for what ever reason the book doesn't make it home! The learning tasks will consist of the following; Ready something to find out or do in order to be ready for nexts weeks learning, Revisit an activity linked to a previous learning enquiry to help children retain knowledge already learnt. Finally, Revise an activity to consolidate learning that has happened this week. In addition, children will be expected to engage in reading, the learning of 6 personal spellings and multiplication facts. Homework will need to be completed by the following Thursday and it will be marked together on the Friday. If children are unable to complete home learning tasks at home, children will have the opportunity to complete this on Thursday in home learning club at lunchtime where I will be there to support.



The knowledge organiser for our current learning enquiry (key vocabulary and learning objectives covered) can be downloaded using the download button opposite.



Children need to bring their reading record book to school everyday. Parents are asked to hear children read at home at least three times over the week and sign the reading record book. Children will have daily opportunities to change their reading books and will already know how to do so independently.  In class there is a selection of Mrs Hartley's recommended reads that children are very welcome to borrow and return. We have a recommended reads book that children can contribute to or go to for help choosing their next read. Our focus authors for this year are; Onjali Rauf, Anthony Brown and David Litchfield. Our class reading book for the Spring Term is The Night Bus Hero by Onjali Rauf


Multiplication Facts

In Year 4 children will take part in a national 'Multiplication Tables Check' (MTC) in June. Over the course of the year, we will be consolidating learn facts and focusing on the x7, x8, x9, x11 and x12 multiplication facts. Children will need to be able to recall any multiplication fact within 6 seconds. Children will be encouraged to learn and practise these facts using TTrockstars and Hit the Button - see links.



In addition to a daily spelling lesson, children will correct spellings that they have misspelt in their learning journals. Words from our spelling lessons or words from the Year 3 and Year 4 spellings will be the focus for spellings to be learnt at home.

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Our Current Class Story

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Key Performance Indicators - Year 4

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