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Welcome to Year 5

Class Teacher: Mr Tom Riden

Welcome to Year 5. On this page you should find links to our curriculum overview for the year, our current learning enquiry question along with other useful information including home learning expectations.



PE will take place on Monday afternoons and Thursday afternoons. The Thursday session will be led by Torquay United - children can wear their PE kit to school on these days. 


Home Learning

Home learning journals will be sent out every Friday and should be completed and returned by the following Thursday. Home Learning includes the following three activities:


"Ready" - a task to help prepare your child for next week's learning.


"Revisit" - a chance to go over previous learning in order to keep it fresh.


"Revise" - extra practice of learning covered in school during the week.



I ask that the children bring in their reading records daily as there are often opportunities for the children to read with adults, who can then add comments about how the children have read that day. We ask that parents hear children read at home at least three times over the week and sign the reading record book. Children will have daily opportunities to change their reading books and know how to do so independently. Children can also quiz on the books they have finished reading at home or in school. The link will take you to the AR website.



In addition to a weekly spelling lesson, children will collect spellings that they have misspelt in their learning journals. These will be sent home to practise and learn in their reading record books. The children will also learn a spelling rule each week as part of their spelling lessons. The Year 3/4  and 5/6 spellings can be found in the centre of the record book. Spelling shed and Spooky Spellings have fun activities to help children learn the Y5 and Y6 key words and to revisit the 3/4 spellings too - see links.


Thanks, Mr Riden

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Key Performance Indicators - Year 5

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