Year 6 Leaders
All our children thrive on being responsible, trustworthy and dedicated individuals, but our eldest children are given specific leadership roles in their final year at school. They love to take on responsibilities and lead by example. Many of these roles involve children giving up a little of their own time, usually during playtimes, and this is something which they love to do as they relish supporting and enthusing others, as well as supporting our school ethos. Our Year 6 also run our school council meetings and you can find out more about these roles on the school council page.
Each week 2 of our Y6 leaders are rewarded as our star leaders and are able to sit on the star leader chairs in worships. At the end of a half term we have a special celebration lunch for our Y6 leaders.
Our Y6 Buddies
All our Y6 children have a reception buddy. Their job is to mentor and support new children to the school.
Year 6 Librarians
Our librarians help children with their book choices, keep the library well organised and catalogue our library boxes, putting books onto our accelerated reader scheme. They also help out with our star reader and star writer awards!
Hall Monitors & Computing Technicians
These Y6 leads are responsible for setting up the hall and preparing for worships, services and special events. They organise all the presentations and music for our worships and assemblies.
Corridor Leads
We don't line up at Galmpton as we don't need to! We can resume learning in the classroom far quicker by all moving into the school building at once, after playtimes have finished. But the corridors can be a little busy! Our Y6 corridor leads help to ensure that everyone can move around the school safely and efficiently.
Lunchtime Helpers
These Y6 leaders help our younger children with their lunches, they help children select their desserts or side salads and support children with tidying away after themselves. They also clear the hall with our MTAs so that the hall is ready to use as soon as lunchtimes end.
Wellbeing Warriors
These are our Y6 peer mediators who have been trained by Mrs Fisher to support younger children with any concerns they may have. They know which issues they can help sort and which concerns need to be passed to an adult. Mostly their job is to spot any child that is on their own on the playground or any one that needs help with finding an activity or friend to play with. All of our Y6 have been trained by the Mental health team at 'One Goal', so they know how to spot the signs of another child who may not be feeling happy. They have check in times with Mrs Fisher to communicate any conerns they might have and are also responsible for leading the 'Wednesday well being lunchtime club'.
Play Leaders
Our play leaders are responsible for organising play equipment at lunchtimes. They also ensure that all children are involved with play and a friend to play with. They take great pride in keeping the outdoor play shed in an orderly state!